Alex’s Story
Alex was unique in many ways. He just wasn’t the average kind of kid, and, at the same time, he was like a regular guy, humble, loving and loyal. His sensitivities allowed him to feel and sense the world, people, and his surroundings with greater intensity, making his friendships deep, committed and life-long. To inspire, support, and uplift those he cared for came natural to him. Alex had zest for life. He was trilingual and his interests were many and diverse, as was the range of his friends.
From the age of two Alex’s love for basketball became apparent. One that never stopped, including his eager support for the Warriors. I don’t think Alex ever missed watching one single game. His middle school peers knew all too well about Alex’s basketball passion, and at times he would sneak his favorite jersey to school. During team try-outs, he was always at his best and demonstrating his extraordinary talent.
When school and life became more stressful, Alex discovered fishing. He would spend hours at the creek, river or lake, never quitting, no matter how big or little the catch. Each time I turned on the TV, one of Alex’s new found fishing show channels would pop up. During one summer trip to Shasta, Alex went on an early morning trout fishing trip together with a friend. That night we had the best rainbow trout barbecue dinner ever - one we would always remember.
The Gemini in him stayed true to diversity. Alex’s favorite summer activities for years were boogie and skim-boarding. That meant many weekly trips to Stinson Beach. But his favorite ocean sites were on Maui. At age 12, while vacationing there, he would stand overlooking the ocean from a beautiful view point, exclaiming that this is where he wants to get married one day.
During his teen years, Alex also discovered a love for photography and nature hikes, activities he continued throughout the remainder of his life. Walking his dog on the beach, or on one of the beautiful Mt Tam trails, was something Alex would not miss.
Dogs and Alex had a special affinity. Whenever he met a dog that didn’t seem very people-friendly, Alex would prove otherwise. I recall one instance when he said with a rascally smile, “yeah, of course the dog likes me, why should it not?!” Both Alex and him were a love affair from the first moment, to the amazement of the owner.
Alex had charisma. The kind of guy with a big, warm, genuine, and caring smile. With his 6’4 tall presence he filled each room he entered. There was this special kind of a something from deep inside of him. It was just there. His hugs were heartfelt, big and generous. Alex’s friends referred to him as the BFG (Big Friendly Giant). While Alex was working at a local grocery store, many of my adult or family friends would shop there and run into him. Without a hesitation, Alex would step aside and give each a hug and big smile.
Alex had found love in his life and expressed his gratitude for the joy he felt. He was happiest when surrounded by his friends, spending time in nature with his dog, either at the beach, or on trails, doing photography, having barbecue dinners and playing basketball or pool. Despite so much zest for life, the anxieties that developed throughout the years had become unbearable and led him to take Xanax, a prescription sedative for anxiety. Alex became addicted to it, and this was the beginning of a path into a dark downward spiral. Three months after he began a medical detox program, the second time around, he relapsed and seeked escape with substances he bought from the black market. Alex did not know that those illicit drugs were laced with deadly fentanyl, among other substances. Alex left his body on April 3, 2020.
While his girlfriend refers to Alex as a Warrior of Hope, one that taught her many important life skills, a longtime friend describes Alex as loyal, genuine and one who stood up for the underdog. “When my time comes, I will be searching for him in heaven”. The stories his friends share about Alex all reflect his vast human spirit, someone who made a lasting imprint in their lives.
Alex was imperfectly perfect, perfectly imperfect, and overall a kind human being with a vast and beautiful soul. He is still with us, just on the other side of life.
My life is very rich because Alex came into it. I miss him each single day of my life. And I am grateful forever.